I Hate My Job

Waking up every day to do a job you hate can be miserable. That’s where Healthy Gamer Career Coaching comes in! We can help you set up your resume, prepare for interviews, and get the job that you actually want. Control your Career today: Find us on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and more here: @healthygamer ▼ Timestamps ▼ ──────────── 00:00 - Intro 00:10 - Reddit post 01:01 - Overview 02:04 - We don’t teach people how to find the right job 02:45 - Everything sucks 06:44 - The nature of misery 14:02 - It may not get easier but you’ll get better 16:08 - Diagnosing our misery 22:45 - Diagnose your pleasure 26:06 - Jobs are not static 31:36 - Don’t suffer alone 38:16 - How to be less miserable ──────────── DISCLAIMER Healthy Gamer is an online community and resource platform for gamers and their families. It does not provided medical services or professional counseling, and it is not a substitute for professional medical care. Our coaches are peer supporters, not professionally trained experts, and they cannot provide medical service. If you or a loved on are experiencing an emergency, please call your nation’s emergency telephone number. All guests of Healthy Gamer are informed of the public, non-medical nature of the content and have expressly agreed to share their story.
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