Ocean Waves For Happy Days

The ocean makes everything better 🌊😌✨💙 Today’s dose of ocean zen comes to us from a picture perfect corner of our home island of Anguilla. This bay is called Island Harbour. Home to some of the clearest waters in the Caribbean, breathtaking reefs, schools of colorful fish and lots and lots of sea turtles, it’s not hard to imagine why plenty of wildlife choose to frolic in this protected bay. Let’s enjoy these soothing wave sounds all day... Ocean wide... Ocean wide... You are symphony of delight for my ears and eyes... Your sound alone makes my spirit rise!... As your waters glisten in the sun... It soothes my soul and reminds me... “Calm has just begun!“... Your waves form and crash... Form and crash... Roar, roar, roar... Breaking on the rocky shore... How could I ever want anything more? 😌😌 We so hope these ocean waves bring calm to you for days! Did you know that even just listening to the sound of the sea has been proven to bring us total tranquility? The ocean truly is an amazing place 🥰🥰 If you enjoy these ocean waves, SUBSCRIBE for more relaxing sea sounds❣️
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