The movie “Accepted“ follows the story of Bartleby Gaines (played by Justin Long) and a group of misfit friends who create a fake college called South Harmon Institute of Technology (.) after Bartleby fails to get accepted into any real colleges. The fictional college attracts other rejected students, and chaos ensues as they try to maintain the illusion.
Towards the end of the film, the deception begins to unravel when the parents of the students discover that . is not a legitimate institution. Bartleby’s father, who is a lawyer, advises him to shut down the college and face the consequences. However, Bartleby and his friends are determined to fight for their unconventional educational approach.
In a final act of defiance, Bartleby decides to hold a hearing to present their case to the accrediting board. He argues that . may not be a traditional institution, but it provided a valuable learning experience for all the students involved. Bartleby’s heartfelt