The Norns Weavers of Fate in Norse Mythology

**The Norns: Weavers of Fate in Norse Mythology** In the intricate tapestry of Norse mythology, the Norns stand as powerful and enigmatic figures who shape the destiny of gods and mortals alike. These ancient beings, often depicted as three sisters, hold sway over the threads of fate, weaving the fabric of existence from their cosmic loom. According to Norse belief, the Norns reside beneath the great ash tree Yggdrasil, the World Tree that connects the nine realms of Norse cosmology. They are responsible for determining the destinies of all beings, from the mightiest gods to ordinary humans, through their meticulous weaving and carving of the branches of Yggdrasil. The three primary Norns are named Urd (Old Norse “Urðr,“ meaning “fate“ or “past“), Verdandi (“present“), and Skuld (“future“). Urd, the eldest, governs the past and holds the knowledge of all that has come to pass. Verdandi, representing the present, spins the threads of l
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