Video by Библиотека Java разработчика

String templates make it easy and safe to embed variables and expressions in strings; JavaFX 19 comes with many improvements, chief among them derived observables; and the deserialization filter can keep apps safe from certain attacks. More on all of this at JavaOne! ____ Chapters ____ 0:00 ➠ Highlights 0:12 ➠ Intro Inside Java Newscast #31: 1:07 ➠ String Templates “String Template Pondering“: Inside Java Newscast #30: 2:57 ➠ Deserialization Filter JEP 290: Filter Incoming Serialization Data: JEP 415: Context-Specific Deserialization Filters: Java Secure Coding Guidelines: “Java Security Q&A“: “Deserialization Exploits in Java: Why Should I Care?“: “Secure Coding Guidelines for Java SE“: “Evolving the Security of the Java Platform“: “Security Vulnerabilities for Java Developers“: 4:46 ➠ Performance “ZGC: The Future of Low-Latency Garbage Collection Is Here“: “ZGC - Concurrent Stack Processing, Today and Tomorrow“: “G1: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow“: “Data Parallel Programming in Java Using the Vector API“: “Java Performance Benchmarking“: “Programmer’s Guide to JDK Flight Recorder“: “To Production and Beyond: Metrics with Micrometer“: 5:06 ➠ Derived Bindings in JavaFX 19 “JavaFX 19 and Beyond“: “Building and Deploying Java Client Desktop Applications with JDK 17 and Beyond“: “Say the Words: Modern Java with JavaFX for Rich Client UIs“: “jpackage: Packaging Tool for Java Applications“: “Project Lanai - New graphics pipeline for macOS“: 6:34 ➠ Cloud “Live Coding Microservices from IDE to Cloud with GraalVM and Micronaut“: “Modern Java App Development in the Cloud: MicroProfile, Quarkus, and Serverless“: “Delightful integration tests with Testcontainers“: “Secrets of Performance Tuning Java on Kubernetes“: “Java in Containers“: 7:25 ➠ Outro Tags: #Java #JavaOne #OpenJDK #InsideJava
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