Leo Smit - Sonata for flute and piano

Leo Smit (1900-1943) Sonate : voor fluit en klavier (1943) 1. Allegro - 00:00 2. Lento - 03:05 3. Allegro moderato - 07:34 Eleonore Pameijer, flute Frans van Ruth, piano Leo Smit was a Dutch composer and pianist. He studied piano with Ulfert Schults and composition with Zweers and Dresden. After taking his piano diploma in 1922, in 1923 he was the first composition student to graduate cum laude at the Amsterdam Conservatory. There he taught music analysis and harmony (1924-1927). In 1927 he moved to Paris where he met Milhaud, who was a major influence. Searching for new music he was impressed by the première of Markevitch’s Cantate (1930), and enjoyed the informal music-making as practised by Milhaud and Honegger with their pupils in the Café Camélion, where he got to know the music of Ferroud. His ballet music Shemselnihar, performed in Amsterdam in 1929 under the direction of Monteux, shows he also studied the Russian composers. Although his film music for Jonge harten was a success, he criticized the
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