SHOP MEYTAL 👉 Become a patron 👉 Email buddies 👉 — What’s up my mysterious goblins  This video is a detailed gear breakdown, I’ve gotten requests from a few patrons to go over cymbal set up and the new kit, and decide to go for it while I have Kevin there setting up my new rack system. It’s long. And quite possibly boring. But if you’re looking to upgrade your gear this might give you some good insights. Huge thanks to zZounds for their amazing support in this sick upgrade, and thank you guys for making me appear successful enough to warrant the many blessings. 🤩 Meanwhile my birthday is coming up on Monday. lior and I are going for a quick vacation in Palm Springs. I was shooting for a Miami vacation but our friend Rene whom usually takes care of Django happens to share my birthday and this time she already booked a vacation for herself
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