Hop on the earliest tram and get off at an outskirt stop. Turn off your cellphone and put deep in your backpack. Take a long walk along the only path. As soon as you get tired, stop at a shady forest edge overgrown with ferns. Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and watch the following:
Your heart sets the rhythm, the wind brings dynamics, the trees come up with notes, and birds and insects carry them to great distances. Your consciousness gets immersed in a common and shoreless stream that has existed at all times and everywhere.
We offer you to tune in to the right flow and feel that barely noticeable movement in yourself, which is commonly called life.
Enjoy your dive!
Прыгни в самый ранний трамвай и сойди на окраине. Выключи телефон и положи его далеко в рюкзак. Долго иди по единственной тропинке. Как устанешь - остановись на тенистой опушке, поросшей папоротником. Устройся поудобней, а затем закрой глаза и смотри:
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