The Glory Realm - Joshua Mills (featuring Ruth Ward Heflin)

#propheticworship #glorysongs #propheticword THE GLORY REALM Words & Music by Ruth Ward Heflin, ©1996 Ruth Ward Heflin. USED BY PERMISSION. Arrangement by Joshua Mills ©2007 New Wine Music. The glory realm, the realm of eternity, The realm of the heavenlies, it’s the glory realm. The glory realm, the realm where the angels sing, The realm of our Heavenly King. It’s the realm of God. The glory realm, the realm of eternity, The realm of the heavenlies, it’s the glory realm. The glory realm, the realm where the angels sing, The realm of our Heavenly King. It’s the realm of God. The real...m of God… [Prophetic Word by Ruth Heflin:] For even in these days, you shall see wonders, saith the Lord, Oh, I shall cause thee to see and perceive in new realms. Yea, for the limitations that the earth has put upon thee shall fall away and you’ll move in realms of the Spirit and of My glory with ease saith the Lord. For that which I desire to do in these last days, I must have a people that can move in my glory and I shall teach thee how, and I shall cause thee to rise up in my glory in greater and greater ways than ever before. You shall be amazed at that, which I shall do in and through thee, even in these days. And yea, the Lord saith this unto thee, I shall gather thee in closer and closer to my heart saith the Lord. For there are many secret things that I desire to reveal unto you, Oh I desire to show unto you those things that I’m going to do. Oh the miracles that I shall bring forth, I shall reveal them unto you even before they even happen, saith the Lord. And I shall give thee an expectation in thine heart and in thy spirit for miracles. Oh, whereas you have been unbelieving, you shall be believing, whereas you have not seen, you shall see saith the Lord. Where you have seen no manifestation, you shall be the one that shall manifest, My giftings, My anointings, My signs and my wonders even through your own hands, for I will reveal My power in these days through you, saith the Lord. The glory realm, the realm where we stand as one, In the glory of the Son, it’s the glory realm. The glory realm, the realm of His face revealed (Jesus) The realm where the Nations are healed, it’s the glory realm. The glory realm, the realm of eternity, The realm of the heavenlies, it’s the glory realm. (the glory realm) The glory realm, the realm where the angels sing, The realm of our Heavenly King. It’s the realm of God. Oh, the realm of God The realm of God… The realm of God… The realm of God The realm of God… The realm of God… It’s the realm of God. *** Visit our online store for Books, CDs and other glory resources: Help Us Give Back… Make a tax-deductible donation to New Wine International, a 501(c)3 non-profit missions organization, please click here: Physical correspondence can be sent to PO BOX 4037 Palm Springs, CA 92263 Stay in touch with Joshua & Janet Mills… Amazon store: © 2007, 2020 New Wine International, Inc. Exclusively licensed to International Glory.
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