Artist Feature #11: Barry Leitch

Perhaps most well known for his work on Top Gear, Barry has a long history, with songs on platforms ranging from the C64 to the iPhone. Let’s take a look at what he’s been up to in the past 30 years! DOWNLOAD THIS MIX: #!q00DzIwK!ilFJLv4FlVlBFmS7pcPBTyiZ97navLHCXI-s5gtAn-k ---- TRACKLIST: 0:45 In-Game (Marauder, C64) 2:31 Title (Ferrari Formula One, C64) 3:36 Unused Theme [Amiga Title Track] (Super Cars, NES) 4:08 Prehistoric Zone (Zone Warriors, Atari ST) 5:00 Las Vegas (Top Gear, SNES)
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