
Intermediate to Web Development with Flask\ 1:48 Understanding Python Decorator Functions and the @ Syntax & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game\ 10:55 Day 55 Day Start 12:28 Working Flask URL Paths and the Flask Debugger 25:47 Rendering HTML Elements with Flask 32:44 Challenge Use Python Decorators to Style HTML Tags 35:43 Advanced Decorators with args and kwargs HTMLStatic files and Using Website Templates\ 42:56 Day 56 Day Start 44:16 Rendering HTML Files with Flask 53:23 Serving Static Files using Flask 1:02:20 How to Use Website Templates to Speed Up Web Development 1:15:04 Solution and Walkthrough for the Name Card Final Project with Jinja in Flask Applications\ 1:22:40 Day 57 Day Start 1:24:28 Using Jinja to Produce Dynamic HTML Pages 1:36:00 Challenge Combining Jinja Templating with APIs 1:47:54 Multiline Statements with Jinja 1:55:16 URL Building with Flask Foundation Bootstrap\ 1:59:54 What is Bootstrap 2:14:31 Installing Bootstrap 2:22:26 Web Design 101-Wireframing 2:34:05 The Bootstrap Navigation Bar 2:54:46 What We’ll Make-Tindog 2:55:42 Setting Up Our New Project 3:03:24 The Bootstrap Grid Layout System 3:23:41 Adding Grid Layouts to Our Website 3:33:21 Bootstrap Containers 3:39:16 Bootstrap Buttons and Font Awesome 3:50:46 Styling Our Website Challenges and Solutions 4:11:06 Solution to Bootstrap Challenge 1 4:28:08 The Bootstrap Carousel Part 1 4:37:47 The Bootstrap Carousel Part 2 4:55:07 Bootstrap Cards 5:11:39 CSS Z-index and Stacking Order 5:33:08 Advanced CSS-Media Query Breakpoints 5:55:12 Solution to Bootstrap Challenge 2 6:06:58 Code Refactoring 6:14:47 Refactor Our Website Part 1 6:34:07 Advanced CSS-Combining Selectors 6:45:51 Refactoring Our Website Part 2 6:51:12 Advanced CSS-Selector Priority 6:57:04 Completing the Website Design School-How to Create a Website that People will Love\ 6:59:38 Introduction to Web Design 7:03:34 Understanding Color Theory 7:12:39 Understanding Typography and How to Choose Fonts 7:23:07 Manage ATTENTION with effective User Interface (UI) Design 7:33:35 User Experience (UX) Design 7:47:15 Web Design in Practice-Let’s apply what we’ve learnt! Advanced- Your Own API with RESTful Routing\ 8:05:36 What is REST 8:18:59 HTTP PUT with Flask\ 8:20:43 What is Authentication 8:24:22 Encryption and Hashing 8:39:41 How to Hack Passwords 101 8:52:10 Salting Passwords Your Web Application with Heroku\ 8:59:20 Day 70 Goals-Learn to Deploy Your Website 9:00:53 Version Control and Git 9:19:41 What is GitHub Portfolio Project-[Python Web Development]\ 9:29:26 Where are the Videos and the Solution Code Stretch\ 9:32:11 Recording of our Live AMA (aka AAA-Ask Angela Anything) 10:32:03 Study With Me
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