
\ 0:00 Introduction 3:50 Course Learning Path-Please Watch this Message\ 5:42 Important Message Machine Setup for Development\ 6:24 Installing Android Studio and Setup 18:12 Creating a Kotlin Module and Running it 21:13 Kotlin Playground-Online Code Editor Machine Setup for Development\ 22:53 Install and Setup Android Studio 32:31 Create a Kotlin Module in a Android Project 36:00 Kotlin Playground-Online Code Editor 6.[Build an App-BizCard]-Build Your First Jetpack Compose App\ 38:41 App Demo 40:17 Setting Up BizCard App-Android Compose Surface Layout and Preview 52:14 Creating a Card and Changing Its Properties with Modifier 1:02:37 Adding the Profile Image 1:12:12 Adding a Column and a Divider 1:20:06 [CHALLENGE]-Change Divider’s Parameters 1:20:34 [CHALLENGE SOLUTION]-Divider Parameters 1:22:16 Adding the Card Info Section 1:27:27 Adding the Portfolio Button 1:30:51 Create the Content Composable Function 1:37:26 Adding a LazyColumn Layout and the Toggle Functionality 1:49:13 Final Touches to the BizCard App 2:01:34 What’s Next Kotlin- Language Fundamentals-Variable Types\ 2:03:36 Section Introduction 2:04:53 Kotlin var and val Keywords 2:11:36 Initializing Variables 2:15:23 Intro to Variable Types-Int and String 2:18:06 Basic Types in Kotlin 2:24:11 The Long Type 2:26:07 Floating Point Types 2:31:14 Kotlin Operators 2:35:43 Section Summary Kotlin-Fundamentals- and Branching\ 2:38:52 Section Introduction-Loops and Branching 2:41:04 The If Statement and When Expression 2:48:00 When Expression-Range 2:49:28 The For Loop \ 2:55:14 Section Introduction-Functions 2:56:28 Create a Simple Kotlin Function 2:58:59 Functions with Int Parameters 3:03:05 Adding More Parameters to a Function 3:04:50 Default Arguments & Named Arguments 3:13:04 Functions and Return Types 3:19:37 Returning a Boolean 3:24:10 Lambda Expressions-an Introduction 3:32:17 [CHALLENGE SOLUTION]-CatAge-To Lambda Expression 3:33:30 Using the it Lambda Keyword 3:35:05 Lambda Expressions that Return Unit-Void 3:37:42 Trailing Lambda \ 3:45:36 Introduction to Collections 3:58:58 Invoking Methods on Lists 4:03:51 Kotlin Sets and Maps Collections 4:13:33 Initializing Lists 4:19:21 Empty Collections 4:22:24 Collection Filters 4:28:38 Section Summary-Collections Intermediate- Oriented Programming Concepts\ 4:30:44 Introduction to OOP-Create First Class 4:38:48 Kotlin Classes and the Primary Constructors 4:45:32 The init Block 4:49:28 Adding a class Function with Parameters 4:52:49 Inheritance and Override 5:05:40 Inheritance Design Steps 5:07:14 Introduction to Interface Classes 5:12:25 Creating an Interface and Using It 5:19:47 Extension Functions in Kotlin 5:26:09 Remove First and Last Character Extension Function-CHALLENGE SOLUTION 5:28:27 Data Class 5:34:05 Section Summary-Kotlin OOP Advanced- \ 5:37:52 Introduction to Generics 5:46:41 Using Generics 5:54:23 Introduction to Enums and State 6:07:35 Improving Enums-Sealed Classes 6:21:59 Sealed Classes Creation [Jetpack Compose]- to Jetpack Compose and Fundamentals\ 6:32:56 Introduction-What’s Jetpack & Understanding the Imperative Approach 6:42:20 Understanding a Compose Project-Basics-Preview and Compose Annotation 6:55:06 Creating a Simple Composable Function 7:02:02 Modifier and Composable Functions-What are they 7:10:04 Creating a Simple Compose App-Create a Circle 7:20:35 Adding the Circle into the Main Surface 7:26:21 Finishing Up the User Interface 7:36:22 Introduction to MutableState-Incrementing a Counter 7:46:43 [Imperative vs Declarative Approach]-Thinking in Compose 7:54:24 Hoisting the State of Our Money Counter App 8:09:16 Section Summary-Jetpack Compose and Paradigm Shift 14.[Optional] Android Real Device Setup\ 8:14:13 How to Setup an Android Device for Development a Tip Calculator App\ 8:20:10 JetTip App Demo 8:22:47 The Structure of JetTip & Setting up the Container Function 8:39:15 The TopHeader Function-Finish up 8:50:20 Adding the Rounded Border for the Main Content 8:56:24 Input Fields-Creating a Customizable InputField Composable Function 9:16:09 Showing the Input Field 9:29:42 Refactoring the InputField Compose Function 9:38:21 Creating Round Icon Buttons 10:00:15 Fixing the Input Field Width 10:03:39 Adding the TipRow and Slider 10:17:20 Finishing up the Slider Composable 10:28:34 Showing the Tip Percentage on Slide Value Change 10:31:45 Calculating the Tip Amount 10:38:05 Total per Person Calculations a Movie App-Introduction to Scaffold and LazyColumn\ 10:56:41 Section Introduction 10:5
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