Object Oriented Programming\
0:00 Remember everything is an object and connects to the type class
6:15 Use Inheritance correctly on Python
18:08 Remember a class can also be created using a string, a tuple and a dictionary
power of Metaclasses and Metaclass inheritance\
32:32 More analysis
32:47 Understand the power of a Metaclass and how it differs from a Superclass
50:16 A deep dive into Metaclasses changing the structure of classes
1:24:52 Metaclass instantiation, Metaclass inheritance, Meta-instance inheritance
1:56:28 Inspect and verify class relations
2:23:31 Using a metaclass to make a regular class an iterable object - hashable objects
2:54:04 Detect subtypes and learn the NewType
3:02:08 Clarify the difference between IS and ==
3:07:32 The use of OR when instantiating a class
3:12:02 How to de-nest a nested list. First-level denesting
3:17:25 The next iterator for lists - two implementations
3:28:13 Why you should use a defaultdict over a regular dictionary
3:36:55 Comfortably make time-conversions via the function timedelta
about running Python models\
3:40:25 More analysis
3:40:40 The most important command if __name __ = main() (part1)
3:57:29 The most important command if __name__==main() (part2)
4:18:13 Why Jupyter Notebook isn’t really good for large models
instantiation and iterables\
4:28:24 key differences between iterators and iterables
4:52:29 When to actually use [id29436710|@classmethod] and @staticmethod
5:22:09 How Class and instance variables behave with [id29436710|@classmethod], @staticmethod
5:48:47 How classinstance variables and static methods behave in derived classes
6:02:20 The most frequent use of the [id5144984|@property] decorator
6:28:01 In-depth analysis of getter, setter, deleter functions via [id5144984|@property]
Loggers and Annotation\
6:59:42 More analysis
6:59:57 Logging module Detailed analysis of how to create a logger
7:15:26 The Logger in action. Passing it over to filesclassesfunctions
7:35:00 Adding graphics inside logging messages, running special cases, & theory
8:01:47 How Python hints & annotations are used
8:14:49 Python annotations and custom types, step-by-step
8:37:28 Function annotations. Optional parameters. Union, Optional, Any, Sequence
9:02:54 Using Callable and Generic Types. Calling staticmethods using custom types
9:18:55 Always conduct Static Code Analysis. Which Python Checker to use
efficient implementation on Python\
9:32:45 Operator Overloading All you need to know
9:53:42 Method Overloading How NOT to implement it
10:02:08 Method Overloading First way by which it is Implemented
10:10:39 Method Overloading Second way by which it is Implemented
10:32:13 Method Overloading Third way by which it is Implemented
10:36:31 Constructor Overloading Yes, it is possible on Python
10:42:39 Method OVERRIDING All we need to know
10:58:17 Duck Typing Polymorphism When and How to implement it!
11:17:10 Dataclasses All you need to know
Single Responsibility Principle for Efficient Software Design\
11:40:51 The Single Responsibility Principle ( Part I)
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