8:35 Coding Exercise SOLUTION More List Iteration
17:45 Iterate in Reverse with the reversed Function
25:49 The enumerate Function
35:41 Coding Exercise SOLUTION The enumerate Function
42:17 The range Function
50:35 The break Keyword
56:26 The continue Keyword
1:01:50 Command Line Arguments with argv
1:09:57 Intro to Debugging in VSCode
1:21:10 Step Over
1:29:32 Step into and Step Out
1:36:44 Working Through a Problem
1:52:27 Assign New Value at Index Position
1:58:21 Assign New Values to List Slice
2:04:24 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Overwriting Elements in a List
2:09:12 The append Method and Adding Lists with Operator
2:14:15 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Conditionals, Range, Enumerate
2:23:46 Building a List Up from Another List
2:35:34 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Building a List Up
2:39:14 The extend Method
2:45:31 The insert Method
2:50:00 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Adding Elements to List
2:55:07 The pop Method
3:00:06 The del Keyword
3:03:30 The remove Method
3:06:08 The clear Method
3:07:24 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Removing Elements from a List
3:15:18 The reverse Method
3:16:18 The sort Method
3:22:32 The count Method
3:26:48 The index Method
3:32:03 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Encrypt Message
3:46:07 The copy Method
3:50:56 The split Method on a String
3:59:52 The join Method on a String
4:04:28 Coding Exercise SOLUTION The split and join Methods on Strings
4:12:22 The zip Function
4:21:04 Multidimensional Lists
4:34:34 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Multidimensional Lists
4:40:27 List Comprehensions I The Basics
4:50:43 List Comprehensions II Filtering Results
5:01:51 Coding Exercise SOLUTION List Comprehension
5:07:34 The help Function
5:14:16 The map Function
5:21:26 The filter Function
5:25:30 Lambda Functions
5:33:51 Coding Exercise SOLUTION map, filter and lambda Functions
5:42:33 The all and any Functions
5:46:11 The max and min Functions
5:48:33 The sum Function
5:49:41 Coding Exercise SOLUTION The sum Function
5:53:01 The dir Function
5:59:40 The format Function
6:07:26 Intro to Tuples
6:15:01 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Declare Tuples
6:18:26 Lists
6:27:49 Unpacking a Tuple I The Basics
6:36:36 Unpacking a Tuple II Using to Destructure Multiple Elements
6:46:21 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Unpacking a Tuple
6:51:27 Variable Number of Function Arguments with args
7:03:01 Unpacking Arguments to Functions
and References\
7:08:03 Variables, Objects, and Garbage Collection
7:12:25 Shared References with Immutable and Mutable Types
7:16:18 Equality
7:21:18 Shallow and Deep Copies
The Basics\
7:30:23 Intro to Dictionaries
7:44:27 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Create a Dictionary
7:48:27 Access a Dictionary Value by Key or the get Method
7:56:50 The in and not in Operators on a Dictionary
8:04:22 Add or Modify Key-Value Pair in Dictionary
8:20:24 The setdefault Method
8:24:43 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Dictionaries from Lists
8:38:35 The pop Method
8:46:49 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Inclusion and Removal
8:49:43 The clear Method
8:52:31 The update Method
8:56:16 The dict Function
8:59:31 Nested Dictionaries
9:11:19 Iterate over a Dictionary with a for Loop
9:20:28 The items Method
9:26:02 Coding Exercise SOLUTION The items Method
9:33:25 The keys and values Methods
9:39:56 Coding Exercise SOLUTION The keys and values Methods
9:42:41 The sorted Function
9:47:51 Lists of Dictionaries
9:53:33 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Nested Data Structures
9:57:42 Keyword Arguments (kwargs)
10:12:51 Unpacking Argument Dictionary
10:18:57 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Keyword Arguments
10:22:37 Dictionary Comprehensions I
10:31:27 Dictionary Comprehensions II
10:36:01 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Dictionary Comprehensions
10:43:05 Intro to Sets
10:56:53 The set Function
11:03:02 Coding Exercise SOLUTION Set Basics
11:06:56 The add and update Methods
11:10:11 The remove and discard Methods
11:13:27 The intersection Method to Identify Common Elements between Sets
11:17:39 The union Method to Combine Elements from Two Sets
11:19:59 The difference Method to Identify Unique Elements in One Set
11:23:08 The symmetric_difference Method to Identify Elements Not in Common Between Two S
11:26:31 The issubset and issuperset Method
11:32:16 The frozenset Object
11:36:08 Scripts, Modules and the import Keyword
11:47:42 The Python Standard Library (The string, math and this Modules)
11:57:23 The __name__ Special Variable
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