Conference NRNSI 2020 - participant feedback / Конференция NRNSI 2020

The III International Scientific and Technical Conference “Non-Rocket Near Space Industrialization: Problems, Ideas, Projects”: 227 participants & listeners from 16 countries, 25 reports with presentations, 8 poster reports, 3 panel discussions. Focus: summarizing the results of scientific, research, and scientific-practical work in the following areas: - solution of global environmental, social, and economic problems of our time by geospace means; - design features, the search for solutions of biological and ecological nature to ensure the sustainable functioning of an enclosed local ecosystem and the preservation of biodiversity on Earth, the development of territories with unfavorable conditions for human life, as well as creating a large-scale model of a future human settlement in outer space - a residential space cluster EcoCosmoHouse (ECH); - prospects for engineering and technological space exploration within the framework of the non-rocket near space industrialization program; - principles of creati
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