this started because my friend was like “hey remember the pottery scene from 6teen?“ and I felt like I needed to make a compilation since there wasn’t one out there it is
get ready for lots of awkward “no homo“ moments because yea that’s pretty much all this is
EDIT: OK OK I never expected this little compilation I made when I was 15 to get sooo many views. I’m glad y’all are just as intrigued by this string of no homo moments as my friends and I are. The one thing I failed to mention is that I find the “boyfriend training“ scenes to be uncomfortably transphobic, as Jude is wearing a dress and wig but they play it off for laughs rather than just a normal thing he does sometimes. It was the early 2000s and these transphobic jokes were RAMPANT in cartoons at the time so I get it but it’s not much of an excuse. I’m just not a fan of these kind of jokes as they are harmful to actual trans women. I’m not gonna delete the video, a
3 months ago 00:03:16 1
6teen - Jonesy & Jude
5 months ago 00:27:20 1
«Шестнадцатилетний виски» короткометражный фильм
6 months ago 00:00:52 1
Куда пропал Дилан О’Брайен? #shorts #dylanobrien #волчонок #teenwolf #актер #диланобрайен
6 months ago 00:08:04 5
Где они?! ЗАБЫТЫЕ АКТЁРЫ ИЗВЕСТНЫХ СЕРИАЛОВ - Куда исчезли и чем занимаются сейчас?
6 months ago 02:03:30 1
Индийский фильм Шестнадцатилетняя (1958) Цветная версия
7 months ago 03:13:14 1
Шестнадцатилетние. Социальная драма, приключенческий фильм (1986)