dan&serena | i’m in love and always will be (season 5)

*WARNING. THIS VIDEO CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR 5x13* ...OMG... ’i love you, dan humphrey’ .... BOOOOYEAAAAAAH :D LOL, that scene, was just sooooooooo amazing, i swear i actually almost start crying every time i hear that line d: in the past dan always fought for serena, but now it’s serena’s turn to fight for dan, and i can’t friggin’ wait :G i can’t believe how awesome this episode was, it was soo dramatic, and just generally awesome - i must’ve cried at least 3 times... :$ my top 3 moments of 5x13: 1. “i love you, dan humphrey. always have, always will“ 2. chuck standing at the back of the church watching blouis get married 3. the danserena parallel from the pilot ( coming in a close 4th GEORGINA SPARKS IS GOSSIP GIRL?! :O ... why did i not think of this before...) so adding everyhting up, this episode was truly amaaazziinngggg, when i read the spoiler ’blair pushes serena to tell dan how she re
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