NCW - Path of Exile 2 Highlights #601 - Alkaizer, Mathil, cArn, onemanaleft and others

@wraeclast 0:00 Ben_ -----— xdd (clipped by pilhha) / ben_ 0:16 Quin69 -----— poe2 bad (clipped by MokryUlaniec) / quin69 0:32 Alkaizerx -----— Casuals GG (clipped by Pandoraheals) / alkaizerx 0:45 Sefearion -----— Bramblejack is back! (clipped by Sefearion) / sefearion 1:13 Pestily -----— ANOTHER DEATH!@! (clipped by ShiftyCones) / pestily 1:23 fubgun -----— RoA is nerfed (clipped by rayz0101) / fubgun 1:34 onemanaleft -----— Rage Quit (clipped by Forsitel) / onemanaleft 2:07 Quin69 -----— Quin: One bad POE 2 launch (clipped by Riuzaku) / quin69 2:53 Mathil1 -----— Dps (clipped by Sloff) / mathil1 3:19 Manni2 -----— GGG boosting mann2 (clipped by Dr0n1111) / manni2 3:41 Ruetoo -----— 1-3 (clipped by Velgreed) / ruetoo 4:11 Alkaizerx -----— xdx (clipped by Nakloh) / alkaizerx 4:28 ghazzytv -----— - (clipped by Mad_Spaz) / ghazzytv 4:54 Alkaizerx -----— nerf (clipped by comradex) / alkaizerx 5:22 cArn_ -----— melee (clipped by stoven___) / carn_ 5:36 ghazzytv -----— Ghazzy realtalk (clipped by sea_cucumber) / ghazzytv 5:56 forsen -----— cant see (clipped by Tony_Moss) / forsen 6:04 cArn_ -----— caca (clipped by zphos54) / carn_ 6:25 Ben_ -----— POE2 plot summary (clipped by destroyermaker) / ben_ 7:13 terence_ -----— rip (clipped by xBatesh) / terence_ 7:21 Paak_HC -----— one (1) shot Sadge (clipped by FoxiiRuu) / paak_hc 7:43 Mathil1 -----— poe2 moment (clipped by emperor_of_salt) / mathil1 7:57 cArn_ -----— fun? (clipped by Edboyxde) / carn_ 8:15 onemanaleft -----— lol (clipped by RedxFrost) / onemanaleft 8:40 Ventrua -----— I think we passed the dps check ? (clipped by nameless_unknown) / ventrua 8:50 Mathil1 -----— Aware (clipped by Jonabozu) / mathil1 9:17 imexile -----— PoE 2 (clipped by Thdlock) / imexile 9:41 onemanaleft -----— CANT PICKUP (clipped by ?????) / onemanaleft 10:04 pillebrille -----— Das wird ja jetzt abgefahren... (clipped by Der_Katsche) / pillebrille 10:33 tytykiller -----— TyTy about poe 2 balance (clipped by mahsou) / tytykiller 10:55 Ruetoo -----— Art of the deal (clipped by Banzo32) / ruetoo
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