As you cautiously approach the front door, you notice the faded paint peeling away, revealing the weathered wood beneath. The porch, once a welcoming spot, now seems to sag under the weight of forgotten memories. The sound of your footsteps reverberates through the empty foyer, sending chills down your spine. As you venture further into the house, you come across a grand staircase, its banister covered in layers of dust. Each step you take feels like a journey into the unknown. The walls bear the marks of time, with cracked plaster and peeling wallpaper that hint at a forgotten elegance. In the living room, you discover old family photographs, all tourn up and left to decay over time. The air grows colder, and a faint whisper brushes against your ear, as if the spirits of the past are trying to communicate. Moving through the hallways, you encounter closed doors that guard the secrets of the house. The rooms beyond hold remnants of lives once lived – a child’s toy left behind, a moth-
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