Michael Stearns - In The Beginning...

Michael Stearns is one of the originators of a new genre of music that emerged in the 1970’s. This music has been described as space music, contemporary instrumental music, new age music, electronic music, and so on. Its’ primary instrument is the synthesizer. Or, the human as synthesizer. Michael weaves into his music instruments and sounds from other cultures, newly developed instruments, the human voice, and the sounds of nature. In 1977 he recorded his first solo album Ancient Leaves on the Continuum Montage label which he and his former wife, dancer/choreographer Susan Harper, co-founded. Solo albums Sustaining Cylinders 1978, Morning Jewel 1979, Planetary Unfolding 1981, Light Play 1983, all followed on the Continuum Montage label. In 1982 both NASA and Laserium began featuring Michael’s music in their productions. Michael built his version of The Beam, a 12 foot long instrument strung with 24 piano strings, that he has since used in many of his solo albums, live performances,
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