Atomy Quantum Energy Stick

Kyungokgo 경옥고 Atomy Quantum Energy Stick, If you want to buy Atomy Quantum Energy Stick, please visit Atomy Hwaljingigo, Kyungokgo, Saengjihwang, Ginseng, Baekbokryeong, Bongmil, Kyungokgo, 경옥고, Atomy Quantum Energy Stick, Kyungokgo 경옥고, Do you know Gyeongokgo, which appears in Part 1 of Donguibogam Internal Medicine? Made with 100% domestic ingredients As stated in Donguibogam, the effect of Kyungokgo is known to be effective for △nutritional tonic △weak constitution △physical fatigue △borrowing △debility after illness △menopausal disorder. Jadeitego contains saengjihwang‧ginseng among the ingredients, so you may avoid taking it if you have a lot of heat in your body. Donguibogam, Eastern medicine, jadeitego, effect of Kyungokgo, effective for nutritional tonic, weak constitution, physical fatigue, debility after illness, menopausal disorder, jadeitego contains saengjihwang‧ginseng, A revitalizing liquid that contains ingredients raw rehmannia chinensis root, panax ginseng root, poria cocos sclerotium, and bongmil honey aged for 120 hours through a traditional method. Korean Domestic Ingredients that are well known and recognized for their benefits; Proven Traditional Processing Method with the power of Natural Ingredients, Ratio of Ingredients, and Traditional Decoction Method; Four Main Ingredients: Raw Rehmannia Chinensis Root, Panax Ginseng Root, Poria Cocos Sclerotium, and Bongmil Honey; Five Supplementary Ingredients: Citrus Unshiu Peel Extract, Platycodon Grandiflorus Concentrate, Adenophorae Radix Powder, Astragalus Membranaceus Root Powder, and Crataegus Oxyacantha Fruit Concentrate; and Convenient to Use Sticks
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