Atomy SCI Microbiome, Product Intro by Sejong Son and Sangmi Lee
Atomy SCI Microbiome, Product Intro by Sejong Son and Sangmi Lee
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Atomy SCI Microbiome, for Intestine Heallth, Sangmi Lee & Sejong Son, Intestine Heallth, Atomy Health Products for Intestine, Atomy Products for Intestine Health, microbiome, atomy masstige products, atomy masstige,
Atomy SCI Microbiome, Product Intro by Sejong Son and Sangmi Lee
SCI, Science Citation Index, Atomy SCI Microbiome,
Atomy SCI Microbiome,
SCI, Science Citation Index, Atomy SCI Microbiome,
건강하고 균형 잡힌 삶
이상미 & 손세종 큐레이터
healthy and balanced life
Sangmi Lee & Sejong Son Curators
The length of the digestive tract is about 10 m
Esophagus stomach 1 m
Small intestine 7m
Large intestine 1.5~2m
Mouth: breakdown of carbohydrates, secretion of amylase
Stomach: protein breakdown, secretion of pepsin
Check point
01 SCI papers and 8 patented probiotics
02 Excellent intestinal adhesion with patented quadruple coating technology
03 Intake of 10 billion CFU in 1 capsule per day
8 strains registered in SCI thesis
Two types of bifidobacteria living in the large intestine
1 Bifidobacterium lactis IDCC4301
2 Bifidobacterium breve IDCC 4401
One type of bacteria that inhabits both the small and large intestines
1 Streptococcus thermophilus IDCC 2201
5 species of Lactobacilli living in the small intestine
1 Bifidobacterium lactis IDCC 4301
2 Lactobacillus plantarum IDCC 3501
3 Lactobacillus helveticus IDCC 3801
4 Lactobacillus reuteri IDCC 3701
5 Lactobacillus casei IDCC 3451
Quadruple coating technology for tenon attachment
1) Primary coating water soluble polymer
2) Primary coating hyaluronic acid
3) Primary coating porous particle coating agent
4) primary coating protein