The ‘MARK OF THE BEAST’ in the BIBLE is the ‘BRAIN TO CLOUD’ Interface. It is called NEURO-REALITY!

MARK OF THE BEAST IS NOT A TATTOO, MICROCHIP OR IMPLANT. IT IS THE MERGER OF ARTIFICIAL SUPER-INTELLIGENCE & AUGMENTED REALITY FOR THE WEAPONIZATION OF NEUROSCIENCE It is a Biological Block-Chain using Crypto & Digital Currencies remotely tied to each person’s brain wave signature similar to China’s Social Credit System Neuroscience is no longer just a field of Medicine. It has crossed the threshold of medical science and is now a chief weapons platform used by the major intelligence agencies of the world MARK OF THE BEAST is a Biotech Engineered System for nanoparticulates are naturally self-assembling and self-replicating allowing for an active & adaptive biological block-chain of self functioning - nanoscaffolding - neuro-tech that can easily, reproducibly, self modify in each newly infected host MARK OF THE BEAST is neuro-warfare being utilized as a neural scaffolding system so that each new host infected provides a rapid multiplier for infection of other humans creating a global delivery system of nanoparticulates for the genetic re-engineering & new evolutionary development of mankind, from Human to Trans-Human; for the introduction of NEURO-REALITY to forcefully integrate humanity into a new cybernetic evolution of mankind for the global transformation of the human race by the re-engineering of global patterns of neuro-tech to turn the world into a multilateral neuro-society & neuro-economy culminating in a new One World Order When Anti-Christ finally appears he will be able to telepathically (synthetic telepathy) speak with the entire world, each nation, in their own language & dialect, at the same time Via streams of electromagnetic energy, the ‘False Prophet’, pretending to be Elijah (Messianic Forerunner) reincarnated, will be able to manipulate energy, matter, space, etc., such as “call fire down from heaven (Rev. 13:13) which Benjamin Franklin did 200 years ago by flying a kite and a key in a thunderstorm. This Anti-Christ System of Remote Neural Networks will be able to monitor & manipulate thoughts, discern emotions, etc., via remote neural monitoring & manipulation Using Neuro-Reality, the Anti-Christ will seek to be the Messiah to all religions of the world (Fifth Buddha, Twelfth Imam, Hindu Krishna, Jewish & Christian Messiah, etc.) The Mark of the ‘Beast’ (One World Order) and the Mark of Cain are synonymous with each other. The Beast in the Bible is not the AntiChrist. It is the ‘One World Order’ achieved by a confederation of ten regions (kings). The Anti-Christ is the ‘Little Horn’ that arises out of the Beast and is the personification of the Beast, but not the actual Beast In order to understand the Mark of the Beast you must study & understand the Mark of Cain Mark of the Beast is not the Mark of Antichrist although it is synonymous with the number of a man. Not his name, but the numerical value of that name in Hebrew This is very important because you must take it back to original Hebrew to get the correct calculation. It is actually the Mark of the One World Order ‘BEHEADED’ in the Book of Revelation means killed by a pulse of electromagnetic low frequency waves (Mind-Hobbled), not literally chopped off Everyone who saw Cain was able to identify him as being cursed by God. So , everyone who accepts the Mark of the Beast (One World Order) will also be easily identifiable. How? By what they say & do. By their actions (buying, selling, etc). By the verbilization or related actions of individual Neural-Links via Remote Neural Networks tied into a vast array of Towers, Satellites & Mobile Platforms for individual electronic Brain to Brain Interfaces (BBI) remotely tied to Brain to Computer Interfaces (BCI). Neuro-Societies, Neuro-Economies, etc., where people communicate with each other & computers via their brain waves: NEURO-REALITY! The term ’right’ hand or ’forehead’ as mentioned in Revelation does not mean a person is physically marked there. This is a bible metaphor for thought & action Deuteronomy 11:18-19 explains it as thoughts and actions: “You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign on your HAND, and they shall be as frontals on your FOREHEAD. “You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up Exodus 13:9 also explains it as spiritual: “And it shall serve as a sign to you on your HAND, and as a reminder on your FOREHEAD RIGHT HAND in the bible refers to action as in Exodus 13:9 “...for with a powerful hand the LORD brought you out of Egypt.“ RIGHT HAND is the instrument of action & power The FOREHEAD is the instrument of thoughts and feelings. God was talking to his people in Deuteronomy 11:18 and stated ’Fix these words of mine in your hearts & minds; tie them as symbols on your HANDS and bind them on your FOREHEADS’
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