APOCALYPSE in Ukraine! Drowned after Germany and Belgium! The biggest flood in history of Kiev!

20 July 2021. Flash flood in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Downpour in Kiev: cars are floating, and people are wandering knee-deep in water. The capital turned into a real river, almost all the streets were flooded. In Kiev, the weather has sharply deteriorated. The city was covered with a powerful thunderstorm, and the streets are flooded with water. Because of this, on some roads, water reaches car headlights. The metro announces the closure of the Beresteyskaya station. Meanwhile, users are actively posting photos and videos of bad weather on social networks. It also floods underground passages, in particular, near the Akademgorodok metro station. Forecasters predict that by the end of the day on July 19 thunderstorms, hail and wind gusts of 35-50 metres per second are expected in Kiev. APOCALYPSE in Ukraine! Drowned after Germany and Belgium! The biggest flood in history of Kiev! The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was initiated as an ionosphe
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