USA: Red Chinese delegation at United Nations (1950)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit United Nations meeting at Lake Success with Red Chinese delegation, speeches by both American and Chinese representatives Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Red Chinese Delegation at United Nations USA: New York: Lake Success: INT WARREND AUSTIN At Security Council accuses Chinese Reds of “open Aggression“ in Korea... Gen Wu replies with counter charges of Formosa actions.. Red Delegation first time from China CHINA Trygive Lie meets delegation talks round the Security Council, Chamber met by hands Warrend Austin accuses Reds in Korea of “open Agression“ Gen Wu of Chinese replies with accusations on Formosa TRYGVE LIE. Receives Red Chinese Delegation to round table Far Eastern them to Security Council where they are met by . Trygve Lie receives Ch
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