Overview of troop communications and events in the Middle East during 1942 (1942)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit British linesman in the Middle East keeps communications open in the midst of battle, troops cook their own meals, escaped troops from Tobruk, wreckage of german planes in Egypt, and armoured cars and bombers respond quickly Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Further Despatches from Egypt EGYPT: Various: EXT AEROPLANES, American. KITTYHAWK FIGHTER BOMBERS get ready & take off in Western Desert COOKING & COOKING UTENSILS ETC. Cooks make flap-jacks for troops in W. Desert.. troops rush to get food etc. GERMANY - MILITARY. Wrecked German planes & tanks on Hill of Jesus in W. Desert MILITARY BRITISH. Linesmen at work on overhead wires in work in lorry & running new under fire.. reunion of men who escaped from regts. & a Germa
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