London: Curzon statue unveilled by Stanley Baldwin (1931)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit British PM, Stanley Baldwin, unveils statue of Lord Curzon (former Viceroy of India) and makes speech. Full Description: ENGLAND: London: Carlton House Terrace: EXT High Angle shot of statue of Lord Curzon (former Viceroy of India) covered with union flag, then Stanley Baldwin (British PM) unveils it Stanley Baldwin (Prime Minister) speech SOT - paying tribute to Lord Curzon, the fine qualities he had and the love he had for his own countrymen PAN to close shot of statue Background: British PM, Stanley Baldwin, unveils statue of Lord Curzon (former Viceroy of India) and makes speech. B/W material. Sir Bertram Mackennal (1863-1931) Knight Sculptor / Stanley Baldwin / George Nathaniel, first Marquess Curzon of Kedleston (1859-1925) FILM ID: VLVA7C6KUWAL5S4S4903MRHFBPTSP To license this film, visit
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