Testing of new U.S. Navy rescue bell (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit United States Navy rescues crew of submarine as it tests new rescue bell Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Submarine “Rescue Bell“ in Action USA: Connecticut: EXT AMERICA Submarine “Rescue Bell“ in action off coast of Connecticut Rescue Bell goes down off salvage ship. Men of submarine “Grouper“ climb into bell and come to surface. Later, air is pumped into submarine and it comes up also. AMERICAN NAVAL American submarine “Grouper“ submerged for rescue by a “Rescue Bell“. Men seen climbing into the bell and brought to the surface. When last men are rescued - salvage ship pumps air into submarine - which also comes to surface. SUBMARINE Submarine “Rescue Bell“ in action off coast of Connecticut Rescue bell being lowered off salvage ship and men of the submarine Grouper seen climbing into the bell and coming to the
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