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Table tennis champions arrive home to London Airport
Full Description:
ENGLAND: London: London Airport:
AEROPLANES, Dutch. Dakota of “KLM“ Dutch Airlines at London Airport
LEACH JOHNNY. Arrives at London Airport from Vienna with Mang Singles World Championship and with Rowe Twins Womens Doubles winners
LONDON AIRPORT. “KLM“ Dokota taxis in and Johnny Leach and Rowe twins get out with trophies of Table Tennis championships at Vienna
ROWE TWINS.. Diane and Rosalind 17 year olds win Womens World Doubles Championships of Table Tennis at at London Airport with Johnny Leach carrying trophies
TABLE TENNIS. Johnny Leach and Rowe Twins bring home cups of Mens Singles and Womens Doubles World Championships from Vienna Arrive at London Airport
Personalities - Sport
plane, winners, competitors, game
Background: Table tennis cha