RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Pictures from besieged city of Stalingrad show heroic defence. (1943)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Unforgettable pictures from besieged city of Stalingrad convey striking impression of heroic defence by Russian soldiers against German troops. Full Description: LV on tank nearing outskirts of Stalingrad, troops moving into town. LBV troops running thru wrecked building. LV thru wrecked building of ruined street in Stalingrad. BV Russian firing from window. SV thru wrecked building showing bullets hitting wall of wrecked building. BV Russian firing at ruined window across street. SV Russian runs and lies down with others on wrecked roof. Two Russians firing from wrecked roof. LV bullets hitting window of German occupied house. STV grenade exploding in street by damaged building. CU side view Russian sniper in wrecked building looking round. STV German soldier hit and falls to ground. CU side view Russian sniper reloads rifle. SV Russian sniper crawling thr
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