USA: World War 2: President Roosevelt asks for Labour Draft (1944)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit US President Franklin D. Roosevelt giving State of Union address recommending National Service Law. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: FDR ASKS LABOR DRAFT USA: Washington DC: INT Franklin D. Roosevelt (US President) sitting at desk. Close up of Roosevelt at desk. Roosevelt speech SOT - “I would not recommend a National Service Law unless the other laws were passed to keep down the cost of living to share equably the burdens of taxation, the whole stabilisation line and to prevent undue profit. The Federal Government already as a measure, power to draft capital and property of all kinds for your purposes on a basis of just compensation and although I believe we and our allies can win the war without a National Service Law I am certain after long experience that nothing less than the total mobilisation of all our resources our manpower and capital can guarantee
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