PALESTINE: Progress under British Mandate (1943)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Description not available Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The World of Yesterday and Tomorrow PALESTINE: Agricultural workers in fields and along by canal. Rural worker filling water trough. Jerusalem: Traffic along modern street. Jews praying at the Wailing Wall (Western Wall, Kotel or El Mabka). Souk inside city walls. Arabs walking along narrow old street. Traffic along wide boulevard. Jewish and Arab soldiers of Palestine Batallion marching at parade ground. Arab gazing at cityscape of Jerusalem from hillside. Good shot of the Dome of the Rock mosque. Palestinians seen walking in colonnade and along cobbled street and working in parachute and petrol can factories. Nurses along in hospital. FILM ID: VLVA1UR1ASS1JDNBHBCLVKEN1BL3R To license this film, visit
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