USA: 1931: Sir Josiah Stamp discusses Hoover war debt plan (1931)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit One year’s suspension of war debts proposed. Sir Josiah Stamp, world famous economist, discusses plan. B/W? Full Description: (P284) SLATE INFORMATION: Hoover Debt Plan USA: Shortlands: EXT Sir Josiah Stamp (Economist) discusses Hoover war debt plan SOT - saying Hoover plan proposing a one-year moratorium of payments of reparations debts after World War I is one stage in repayments of debts - most of which are owed to America - great importance for recovery of trade and important item in recovery of Europe from great depression and unemployment Background: One year’s suspension of war debts proposed. Sir Josiah Stamp, world famous economist, discusses plan. B/W footage Economy / World War I / Herbert Hoover (US President) / Germany FILM ID: VLVADOLGX0QOB13P6O39VXD256LSV To license this film, visit
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