TURKEY: World War II: War Correspondent Arthur Merton (1942)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Arthur Merton the Doyen of British War Correspondents and Daily Telegraph’s Correspondent in Turkey and Egypt Speaks about Turkey’s Attitude Full Description: TURKEY: Istanbul: EXT Daily Telegraph War Correspondent Arthur Merton out of car and into building INT Artyur Merton speaking to camera SOT - In the course of my travels in the Middle East I have been repeatedly asked whether Turkey will resist in the event of German aggression or even of a German request for permission for the passage of troops and war materials to the Caucasus or into Syria and also whether Turkey will remain faithful to her alliance with ourselves? To each of these questions I Unhesitatingly always reply in the affirmative - The Turks remember what they suffered under the Germans in the last war. They have no desire to repeat the experience. They ha
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