EGYPT: British forces keep shipping open in the Canal Zone (1952)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The Linconshire regiment maintains security forces against terrorist activity in the Suez Canal, troops unload supplies at Port Said, cruiser Gambia patrols the waters at Port Said, and the S. Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: British Forces in the Canal Zone EGYPT: EXT CAMERON HIGHLANDERS Playing football match at Tel el Kebir in Egypt during period of trouble EGYPT. Lincolnshire Regt man security check points in Canal Zone. Barbed wire blockades.. unloading by troops in Port said while Egyptians RAF El Firdan, unit receives new insignia, march past. Cruiser Gambia used as HQ for canal hats of 3 services in goes off.. stops ships etc. Frigate used as patrol . Orion casts off for home carrying families of servicemen.
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