DEFENCE / SHOWBIZ: Laurence Olivier oration at Albert Hall Victory pageant (1942)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Thousands attend inspiring display showing British struggle for freedom throughout ages. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Freedom Keynote in Victory Pageant ENGLAND: London: Royal Albert Hall: EXT GTV pan assembly, including sailors and soldiers, nurses getting into position. (Nat. sd. of choir singing.) Pan from LTV choir singing, past Military orchestra and Red Cross nurses getting into position, to Malcolm Sargent conducting. ( singing.) GTV pan packed assembly, with soldiers, sailors, nurses etc. to choir and orchestra. (. of organ playing.) SV twelve Red Cross nurses, seven members of Military orchestra and Laurence Olivier giving oration. (.) GTV crowded assembly of soldiers, sailors, nurses etc. applauding. (.) GTV ATS drilling. ST side view ATS drilling - slow march
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