CANADA / DEFENCE: Population votes on conscription (1942)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Canadian Plebiscite to Release the Government From Previous Commitments Regarding Man Power. Full Description: NO SLATE INFORMATION CANADA: Montreal: Ottawa: EXT LV Parliament building. CU Marking ’X’ on ballot against ’Yes’ in answer to question:- ’ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF RELEASING THE GOVERNMENT FROM ANY OBLIGATION ARISING OUT OF ANY PAST COMMITMENTS RESTRICTING THE METHODS OF RAISING MEN FOR MILITARY SERVICE’ SV’s of crowds walking in street. French and English posters - DIRECTIONS TO ORDINARY VOTERS’ Man looking at poster ’AVIS AUX VOTANTS’ Woman and child looking at poster. Man looking at poster. 2 soldiers looking at poster. Soldiers marching. Airmen getting ballot and Airmen filling in ballots. CU Airman seals ballot. Air Force Officer seals ballot. Airman seals ballot. Airman putting ballot in envelope. Hand
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