SHOWBIZ: Hollywood stars on holiday in Paris (1949)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Myrna Loy, Edward G Robinson, Douglas Fairbanks and Greta Garbo are among famous film folk on holiday in French capital. Full Description: FRANCE: Paris: CU French cameraman shooting with hand camera. BV Myrna Loy walking away from camera with male companion - she turns around. SCU ditto looks at camera and waves and walks on. SCU cameraman shooting towards. BV Doug Fairbanks Jr. crossing road, turns round, looks at camera and takes off hat. CU fairbanks laughs. CU cameraman. BV Edward G. Robinson, Peggy Cummins and Gregory Ratoff, turn round and face camera. CU Pan Robinson, Peggy Cummins and Ratoff. CU cameraman shooting. SV Greta Garbo dressed in trousers, raincoat, dark glasses, beret, out of car and into building. Personalities - Performers; France; Douglas Fairbanks Jnr (1909- ), Myrna Loy (1905-1993), Edward G Robinson (1893
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