Winston Churchill tours the African battlefields (1943)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Sir Winston Churchill victoriously tours the African battlefields with world leaders Full Description: AFRICA: EXT AEROPLANES AMERICAN Visited by CHURCHILL & Eden in . Doolittle, . Robb, Spaatz, & other service chiefs Br:.. AFRICA. Mr. Churchill addresses troops in the Amphitheatre at Carthage (silent)..drives beneath Mark VI Tiger inspected.. Marshall Sir A. Conyngham visits & Eisenhower’s Army w. Eden,Brooke, & says few informal words to troops from back of lorry then Eden (both silent) ALEXANDER GENERAL & other chiefs at lunch in at Eisenhower’s H.Q. CHURCHILL. Wavell,Portal,Dudley Pound, AFRICA Church
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