KOREAN WAR: Mass American parachute descent into Korea (1951)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Troops of American 11th Airborne Division prepare for Operation Tomahawk Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Mass Parachute Drop Speeds Driver to 38th JAPAN: EXT Troops of American 11th Airborne Division along at airfield Troops putting on parachutes for descent over Korea C-119 Flying Boxcar plane turning and taking off SOUTH KOREA: AIR TO AIR shot of Flying Boxcars in flight Planes flying over target area Parachutists dropping from planes AIR VIEWS / AERIALS Troops parachuting down Supplies being parachuted off fr...om rear of plane AIR TO AIR and AERIAL shots of parachutists and supplies dropping in mass descent KEYWORDS: American Military / Arican Background: Troops of American 11th Airborne Division prepare for Operation Tomahawk FILM ID: VLVA3HDWGELPVPI2MVEJ9S3BIBWS2 To license this film, visit
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