EGYPT: Night Fighters on Patrol. (1941)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit RAF Night fighters in Middle East. Full Description: EGYPT: Alexandria: EXT Pilots walking towards their beds. Pilots making up beds outside their tents. Pilot walks out of tent, starts undressing. One climbs into bed under mosquito net, Various shots of pilots in beds, under mosquito nets Dusk GV sunset over tents Pan to air crews working on Hurricane plane, loading up ammunition and petrol GV Sunset as sun disappears below horizon Night. CU. Operator at Locator turning dial. CU. dial, pan to telephone (ringing) and hand lifts receiver. CU. man answering phone Man talking on phone as officer comes into picture and picks up second receiver.. Pilot picking up phone in tent Squadron out of their hammocks running towards plane. Pilot comes to C.O. for orders. Pilot climbs into plane cockpit C.O. giving orders through microphone. Pilot in
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