BURMA / DEFENCE: World War 2: Campaign on four fronts (1944)
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Brigadier Smyth, VC, explains campaign of four fronts. Latest pictures from Manipur illustrate commentary.
Full Description:
SLATE INFORMATION: The Position in Burma
Superimposed title over map of Burma.
LV Brigadier Sir John George Smyth
Smyth posing.
CU Smyth talking.
GV pan hills and jungle of Burma.
GV pan jungles and hills of Burma.
SV map of Arakan district and animation towards town of AKYAB
GV hills and jungle.
TV jungle.
SV supplies through jungle.
SV General Stilwell looking at man on table.
CU Stilwell.
SBV Chinese troops along road through jungle.
LV jeeps through jungle towards camera.
LAV showing Lido road.
Map scene showing animation of Lido road and dotted line showing old Burma road. GTV General Wingate’s troops lined up.
LV General Wingate inspecting with Louis Mountbatten.