FRANCE / DEFENCE: World War 2: Indian mules carry supplies to front (1940)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Indian Mule Corps are at work ready for when bad weather holds up motor transport. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Indian Mules Carry Supplies to Front FRANCE: Western Front: EXT Gen. view Indian troops with mules collecting goods at railway. Long view backing cart to railway truck. Semi view loading sack onto cart. Long view & semi view loading mules with sacks. Gen. view & semi view convoy of mules & trucks along road. Gen. view camp showing semi-circular huts. Long view men pommelling mules backs. Semi view pommelling mules back. Long view & semi view looking at & filling mules shoes. Semi view pan & semi CU of Indian blacksmith using small anvil. Long view brushing mule which shies. CU brushing mules face. Semi view Indian soldier type with moustache. Semi view Indian sergeant type. Semi vi
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