GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit SCIENTISTS VISIT HARWELL: Full Description: SCIENTISTS VISIT HARWELL: COCKCROFT, Sir John (Director of Atomic Research Station at Harwell) Welcomes the arrival of scientists from Geneva conference interior in a constr. of a thermal re-actor. HARWELL ATOMIC RESEARCH STATION Exterior and interior visit of Scientist from Genevan in a construction of a thermal by John Cockroft the Director. SCIENTISTS Scientists from many nations visit Harwell, Berkshire interested in a construction of a thermal re-actor.... welcomed by John Cockcroft the Director. Science and Technology; Atomic Energy Background: SCIENTISTS VISIT HARWELL: FILM ID: VLVA4YZPHOL1PP39FBW5T6UZBICR6 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters
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