Presentation of the year’s British Film Awards (1948)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Britain’s film awards held at the Dorchester Hotel in London with many famous actors and actresses of the era attending Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Presentation of the Year’s Film Awards ENGLAND: London: Dorchester Hotel: INT DAILY MAIL National Film Awards of Daily Mail. Lord and Lady Rothermere make presentation to Margaret Lockwood and John Mills also to Herbert Wilcox. Harold Wilson - President of Board of Trade makes a speech praising British films. FILM STARS John Mills and Margaret Lockwood receiving their ...National Film Awards from the Rothermeres at ceremony in Dorchester Hotel. Shots of stars arriving which include:- Margaret Lockwood, John Mills and wife, Michael Wilding, Anna Neagle Jean Simmons, Tommy Handley,Pat Roc, Stewart Granger, Stanley Hollowaym, Richard Attenborough, David Farrar, Valerie Hobson, Phyl
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