Storms delay the ocean liner Queen Mary (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The “Queen Mary“ gets stuck on a sandbank near Southhampton Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Southhampton Storms Delay the Queen Mary ENGLAND: Hampshire: Southhampton: EXT DIVERS. Divers going down to inspect damage to plating after Queen Mary grounds on sandbank QUEEN MARY (SHIP) Goes aground - tugs pull her off. Very good shots of the ship at sea - steaming into Southampton. (No land in sight) Seen in dock - divers inspecting the wreckage SOUTHAMPTON Queen Mary docking at Southampton after going aground and being pulled off by French Tugs. Divers seen going down to inspect damage. TUGS French tugs pulling Queen Mary off Sandbank north-west of Cherbourg Weather; Ships and Boats; SS Queen Mary France, boat, ship, ocean, divers, docks, harbour Background: The “Queen Mary“ gets stuck on a sandbank near S
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