ITALY: QUIRKY - Italians re-enact medieval battle that involves pelting oranges at each other (1934)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit In the northern Italian town of Ivrea locals celebrate the carnival season by pelting each other with oranges. Full Description: Semi view of soldiers buying oranges in street Gen. view start of fight in sqe Long view of people on balconies throwing oranges Long view towards and pan past of cart thru street Top view of cart past Semi view of people throwing oranges from balcony Elev. top view of cart past, with crowd following and throwing oranges Back view of carts away Sound Effects: Off-stage voice describes procession thru streets and Battle of Oranges. Gen. playing of pipes as band passes thru street.. Italy; Celebrations - Anniversaries (Impersonal), Customs Background: In the northern Italian town of Ivrea locals celebrate the carnival season by pelting each other with oranges. Hundreds of people in the nort
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