AUSTRALIA / AVIATION: Air Race leaders arrive in Melbourne for triumphant drive. (1934)
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Triumphant drive of air race leaders through Melbourne.
Full Description:
SLATE INFORMATION: MELBOURNE FETES FLYERS First pictures of triumphal drive through city of Australian Air Race leaders.
AUSTRALIA: Melbourne: Gen view pan. of crowd in street. Long view of Scott and Black in Car. Long view pan. of Dutch pilots in car. Back view of procession. Long view of Scott and Black in car. Long view of Dutch Pilots in Car. Long view of Roscoe Turner & others in car followed by Macgregor-Walker in car. Long view of Tommy Melrose towards and pan. to back view.
Sound Effects: Off-stage voice describes triumphant drive thru City...
Personalities - Aviation; C W A Scott; Tom Campbell Black ( -1936)
Background: Triumphant drive of air race leaders through Melbourne.
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