King George VI, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, and Princess Margaret visit Lancashire (1951)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit King George VI, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, and Princess Margaret visit Duchy Estates, are offered three historical keys to Lancashire Castle by Constable Lord Sefton, and visit the county infirmary Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Royal Tour of Lancashire ENGLAND: Lancashire: Duchy Estates: EXT CARS. Royal Daimler with Pennant flying progresses slowly thro’ Crowds in Royal Visit to Lancashire DOGS Police Assistance and Labradors tackle culprits in Ryton Police Training watched by Royal Family QUEEN ELIZABETH Royal Visit to Lancashire with King and Princess Margaret Visits to Lancaster Castle, frams, cottages, police school GEORGE VI KING OF ENGLAND. Royal Tour of Lancashire with Queen and Princess Margaret thro’ Lancaster Castle, farms, police school, cottages etc LANCASHIRE. 1951 Royal Tour of Lan
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