New boat with raised outboard motor (1952)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit New speedboat with raised outboard motor performs in test Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Introducing the “Water Bug“ and “Leaping Sub“ USA: California: Long Beach: EXT MOTOR BOATS Hydrofoils fitted to outboard motor boat to raise it out of water and thus increase speed MOTOR BOATS. Outboard motor is fitted with hydrolfoils to raise it out of the water and increase speed.. passes through waves etc SPEEDBOATS Hydrofoils fitted to outboard motor boat to raise it out of the water and pass through the waves Alan Hazard, speedboat, invention, hydrofoil, friction, speed Background: New speedboat with raised outboard motor performs in test FILM ID: VLVA7WSNAT1DQFMZTF8WEBC3AUO2E To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archiv
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